Treating Dry Rot in your property
Dry Rot is an infestation or decay that is caused by dampness to timber. Dry Rot will attack timber in buildings causing structural damage, it is the most serious of its type.
Dry Rot looks like large mushroomed shaped red and brown fruiting bodies. In affected areas it will produce a red dust which is made from numerous spores. Dry Rot produces a potent odour as it attacks timber.
Damp Stop ensure a thorough inspection is carried out to ensure all aspects of dry rot are identified and removed. We will provide all remedial work and guarantee our treatment for 30 years.

Information on Dry Rot…
The first signs of dry rot to the naked eye come in the form of large mushroomed shaped red/brown fruiting bodies. The fruiting bodies will produce what would appear to be a layer of brick red coloured dust this is in fact numerous spores which will be found throughout the affected areas. Dry rot also produces a potent odour as it attacks.
Dry Rot is found in timber but can also grow through bricks, mortar and materials such as plaster and paint.
When Dry Rot has infected timbers a fungus will start to leave deep cracks running across the grain (longitudinal cracking). The decayed timber will crumble between your fingers.
The fungus infecting timber looks like an off-white sheet of cotton wool and can be seen on the surface of the wood or masonry.
To treat Dry Rot all traces of the attack must be eradicated.
The first step in treating Dry Rot is to ascertain the source of the moisture and eliminate the problem.
Next is to identify the full extent of the outbreak so that Damp Stop can issue a full treatment plan. This includes details for all remedial works required.
In some cases assessing the full extent of a Dry Rot attack from an initial inspection can be impossible and we will need to conduct a full exposure survey. If this is required an additional charge may be applicable to provide a firm treatment plan and quotation. However, when the work has been completed this charge will be refunded.
Damp Stop offer a complete Dry Rot service from inspection to treatment and finally to undertake all remedial work. More specifically, this includes removing all affected timbers and masonry, followed by a full chemical treatment and replacement of any items removed.